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Frequently asked questions

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I can't access a project via the email invitation
I received?

• If you are currently logged into Blackline on your browser, check the top right corner to see if you are logged in with the correct account the invitation was sent to
• You can access your Account Settings to see if the email address the invitation was sent to matches that of the account you are logged in to
• If the account is different, log out from the browser and access the invitation link again to either login or make a new account
• If you would like the access the project via the account you're already logged in with, ask for the invitation to be resent to the other email address


How do I invite someone to a project?

You are able to invite users to a project from Admin > Users. The button can be found at the top right corner. You need to have the Owner role in order to invite users.


How do I transfer a Unit?

Create a new transaction for the unit that will replace the old one. On this new transaction, upload the unit transfer amendment.
The completed contract can be added to that new transaction from the old transaction so that the old transaction can be deleted.


Can multiple people be logged in with the same account?

Yes, it is possible to have multiple people logged in with the same account and working simultaneously. But, we recommend everyone to be set up with their own account so the history of any changes made can be tracked properly as it can get confusing if everyone is using the one login.

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